The Kid Should See This

dina A. Amin’s Talking Book, a stop-motion experiment

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How long does it take to intricately fold 2310 book pages? According to Cairo-based tinkerer and stop-motion filmmaker dina A. Amin, it takes forever. Go behind the scenes of her Talking Book project, an experiment for Kevin B Parry‘s red book emoji animation challenge.

The phrase “Once upon a time…” begins epic tales in many different languages. Amin asks, “How do you say this in your language? In Egypt we say ‘kaan ya ma kaan‘”

Bonus visit to Cairo’s Azbakeya Market included.

talking book - mapping the mouth
dina amin - folding the talking book pages
talking book pages
We’re proud to be a supporter of Amin’s stop-motion and tinkering projects on Patreon. You can also find her on Instagram including her Talking Book project:

Watch more of her stop-motion projects, including:
β€’Β What’s inside my pocket camera?
β€’Β dina A. Amin’s Tinker Friday Stop Motion Project
β€’Β How many parts? dina A. Amin’s gadget guessing game videos
β€’Β How I made a lil β€œWacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man”

Plus, watch A bookshop comes alive at night: The Joy of Books and Wet Book Rescue: How to repair a wet, damaged book.

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