My side project paid its own expenses!

For the first time ever, I didn't use some of my pay from my day-job to cover the expenses of my side-projects. Instead, softwareideas.io paid for both itself and my other project, codernotes.io.

It's an amazing feeling. Every paycheck, I normally put about $500 aside to pay or save for business expenses. Since softwareideas.io paid for those this week, it was like getting a $500 raise, on TOP of the actual profit I was able to take from the company.

This allowed me to do something really, really cool: I took $200 of profit from the company, and put it aside for the down-payment of my first house.

Thanks to the IH community for helping me to get to this point!

, Founder of
on July 20, 2020
  1. 12

    Good stuff! Can't wait for the "My side project paid for my lambo" post

    1. 5

      Haha! That's at least a week or two away. Thanks for the well-wishes!

  2. 2

    Great to read things like this. Congrats :)

  3. 2

    Kevin, you rock! I think this is the best feelings ever when people pay for your product :D

    1. 1

      Thanks! It's been really awesome to build something that's helping people reach their goals as well.

  4. 2

    That's awesome Kevin, congrats! Hope you continue to build momentum on your projects!

    1. 1

      Thanks a bunch John!

  5. 1

    Amazing, Kevin! Your write-ups are excellent! 🔥

  6. 1

    Congrats! @Kevcon80
    your softwareideas could bring you more :)

  7. 1

    Congrats mate. Nice project too.

  8. 1

    That’s awesome, Kevin! Congrats on activating downpayment savings.

  9. 1

    That's awesome!!!

  10. 1

    How are you marketing it?

    1. 1

      Still exploring channels, so far the best way has been sharing high-quality content on Reddit, here, and other entrepreneurial groups.

  11. 1

    Awesome! Great to hear

  12. 1

    I've got a way we can expand this project into business/software design consultation.

    If you are interested in taking this path and you wouldn't mind having a partner should you like the idea I have.

    Kindly hit my mail ([email protected])

  13. 1

    I like your project of softwareideas. I think it stands out of the crowd and I am sure it will only get better. Best of luck and keep up the good work!

  14. 1

    Awesome! As I mentioned on twitter, I think it's a fantastic idea :)

    1. 2

      Thanks! I’m pretty sure your shout-out led to like half of the sales so far, so I definitely owe you one. That tweet was very popular!

  15. 1

    This is the way. Congrats to you sir.

    Next step: paying the rent with side project income 😀

    1. 1

      Thanks! Looking forward to all of the milestones like this one! This stage is pretty fun since you can just blow through some of the early milestones. For example, I'm only a few sales away from $10k ARR at this point, which is another milestone worth celebrating

  16. 1

    Congrats, Kevin! I was in a really similar position, spending about $500 a month of personal income for over a year on my app. Cutting costs helped me most, but that's awesome to hear you're already putting the revenue to good use!

    1. 2

      Thanks Matt! It's a combination of expenses + a business emergency fund. But now it seems that my company can afford to build its own emergency fund & pay expenses, which is awesome!

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