Submission Center

 Our contributors live all over the United States and work in a wide array of industries. We strive to provide a platform that amplifies all voices.

Have something on your heart? We’d love to hear about it!

Please review the submission guidelines and fill out the form below. 

How it Works

The SundayMonday’s aim is to equip and empower women living mission in the world to be bold in faith, work, and life. In keeping with this mission, we publish writing that aligns with the following categories:

Bold in Faith – how have you experienced a deepening of faith in this season of life?

Bold in Work – how are you advocating for your worth, pursuing excellence, and glorifying God in things small and large at work?

Bold in Life – how are you choosing boldness in life; relationships, travel, growth, adventure?

Defining Success Series – how do you define success, through the eyes of your work and faith?

Transitions Series – how did you deal with all the messiness and beauty of transition? (From school to work, a new job, graduate school, etc.

Other – have a story that doesn’t quite fit but that you’d love to share? Submit anyway!

Successful submissions…

…Are between 500 and 1500 words. Keeping clear and concise is key.

…Are relevant. If something is circling your mind or sitting on your heart, that’s a good indication that it’s worth sharing. Still not sure? Email us your pitch and we’ll give you our thoughts ([email protected]).

…Are authentic, real, and healed. Please use prudence and good judgment when choosing your words. Submit something you’d be comfortable sharing with a room full of both friends and strangers. 

…Are about walking alongside, instead of preaching from above. Speak in a way that acknowledges both weakness and strength. We are not perfect. We don’t preach from soapboxes, but rather meet one another where we are. 

    …Share a unique perspective. We aren’t looking for a cookie-cutter – we are looking for you. Your story, your journey, and your relationship with God are unique and they matter. Lean into your personal experience.

    …Offer useful advice. We encourage submissions that offer examples of ways that the author has grown bolder in these three areas throughout their life and career. Tangible, tactical advice with examples is always encouraged. 

    …Enjoyable to read. Yes, we’re adulting but there’s no need to be too serious! Inject some humor, stay lighthearted, and read your submission out loud to ensure that it flows well. Check for grammar and spelling before submitting too! 

    The Fine Print

    We are grateful for every submission we receive, but unfortunately we cannot post all submissions. We give priority review to submissions that are complete or close to complete upon submission. All accepted pieces may be edited or condensed. No edited article will be published without the author’s consent.

    Submission Center

     Our contributors live all over the United States and work in a wide array of industries. We strive to provide a platform that amplifies all voices.

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